There will always be problems as a bath tub grows old. Stains and cracks will show. Leaks will appear and faucets will not work. While some of these can be remedied easily, others will require help. Here are some questions most bath tub lover will ask about repairing their bath tubs.

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A bath tub is a relaxing thing to have in one’s bathroom. After a very stressful day at work or at school, a person could just retire and relax at the comfort of his/her bath tub. It has proven its usefulness and most people who have it will spend a lot of money to make sure it is working properly and that it stays that way.

However, even if these people loved and took care of the tub, there will still be some problems as the bath tub grows old. Stains and cracks will show. Leaks will appear and faucets will not work. While some of these can be remedied easily, others will require help. Here are some questions most bath tub lover will ask about repairing their bath tubs.

Why Repair a Bath Tub When You Can Just Buy a Replacement?

This question is the most frequently asked question by most bath tub users. Bath tubs costs just around $100 and most of them can afford it. However, when they consider the cost of the demolition, removal and disposal of the tub plus plumbing then add the cost of setting tiles and flooring/carpentry involved, they might have an estimate of about $2000. This cost is too much when a repair will just cost them much less than that.

What is Bath Tub Restoration?

During years of use bath tubs tend to have stains and will probably have scratches here and there. Bath tub restoration includes taking those stains and scratches out. These can be done either by hired help or by yourself. Even though this can be done by untrained people, it is recommended to hire a trained person to do this for your bath tub.

Bath tub restoration involves washing the surface and applying a solvent. It will then be neutralized, etched and sandpapered. Bath tub restoration, when done properly will give your bathroom a new glow, making it look cleaner and brighter.

What is Bath Tub Refinishing?

After bath tub restoration, refinishing must be done to make it last longer and to require you to restore it less than necessary. Refinishing should be done by trained craftsmen as they use a special chemical called Aliphatic Acrylic Polyurethane Enamel. This job can be easily finished in a day so you should have your bath tub in less than a day.

What are Bath Tub Liners and Why Should I Think of Using Them?

Bath tub liners are custom-made to fit your bath tub. These liners will make sure that chipping and scratches on your tub is already history. A new bath tub liner is installed on a bath tub and it can be done a matter of hours. There is no additional cost as the plumbing, flooring and tiles are completely untouched.

Should You Do the Job Yourself or Should You Hire a Specialist?

A specialist will cause you more but repairs on your tub will last longer. Unless you do a very satisfactory job, it is recommended to ask for a specialist’s help as the cost of hiring one is worth than the cost of doing it again and the inconvenience it will bring you.

When Should I Consider Buying a New Tub?

Buying a new bath tub is only recommended when the total cost estimated by the specialist will cost you more than buying and reinstalling a new tub, then go for a new tub.